Sesame Kids understands the importance of a sound infrastructure that stimulates intellectual learning in students. The infrastructure here is scientifically planned, artistically designed and precisely constructed in order to meet the specific needs of the budding aspirants. It has well furnished classrooms, a multipurpose hall, an outdoor child-friendly play pen, an activity room and a kids library. Restrooms are built with low level sinks and unique fittings which make children feel comfortable. A High-Tech Security System is ensured with the help of CCTVs in strategic point to enable parents view the recordings.
To help the children look after their personal cleanliness and make them feel at home, dedicated nurse maids are always present to render full support. A special care taker is present to cultivate good table manners and neat toilet habits for toddlers.
Exercises Of Practical Life (EPL) : These activities in the “prepared environment” that are part of day-to-day life, using natural real-life objects enhance the child’s level of independence, arouse curiosity, develop habits of personal involvement, concentration and perseverance thus bringing in the integration of body and mind to function together and complete any task.

Every child has an inner need to actively gather sensorial impressions. Sesame Kids facilitates and enhances the experience through thoughtful choice of scientifically designed Montessori equipments.
Preparatory exercises are taught first on a verbal or pre-reading level, followed by both physical and mental preparation for formal writing and reading. Children are taught to identify sounds and spell correctly by means of Phonetics.
Preparatory exercises are taught first on a verbal or pre-reading level, followed by both physical and mental preparation for formal writing and reading. Children are taught to identify sounds and spell correctly by means of Phonetics.
Children acquire a healthy attitude and etiquette and learn to behave independently with responsibility as they learn activities dealing with EVS, Stories, Rhymes and General Knowledge.
Highly qualified and well experienced teachers handle the Kindergarteners with great zeal and enthusiasm.